New book sheds light on the Nazi prison system using the example of Stein prison
by Karl Reder
Difficult topics and complex tasks challenge and motivate me. After four years of intensive research, I am attempting to close a long-overdue gap in Austrian contemporary history research with my new publication about the Stein am Donau prison during the Nazi era.

New cooperation for the management of project crisis
by Karl Reder
We've seen it many times. IT or digitization projects frequently run into obstacles, often resulting in a project crisis. We thought about this and put our heads together...

Your requirements & off you go!
by Karl Reder
Get external support in collecting and structuring your requirements! How to secure the foundation for your project's success with measurement and purpose.

New: KMU.DIGITAL Status- and Potential Analysis at a fixed rate!
by Karl Reder
Are you wondering which digitalisation topics are relevant for your company and how you can secure funding for your digital roadmap? KRC has put together a package for you at a fixed price!

A new look: relaunch of the KRC website
by Karl Reder
Just in time for the beginning of the year, the new website of Karl Reder Consulting went online! 🎉🎈

Rückblick und Ausblick
by Karl Reder
Ein sehr arbeitsintensives Jahr neigt sich dem Ende zu. Es lief ausgesprochen gut mit vielen spannenden #Projekten. Ein großes Dankeschön geht an meine Kunden:innen und Partnernunternehmen für die konstruktive Zusammenarbeit! 👏