
Project references sorted by industry


Customer: International telecommunications company, Munich (GER)
Project assignment: Support for the B2B area in course of a digital transformation project [2022]
Roles: Product Owner, Streamlead
[in cooperation with Blackmint GmbH & Co. KG]

Customer: International waste management company, Krems (AUT)
Project assignment: Konzeption Planning and rollout of CITRIX XenMobile mobile device management system for mobile devices [2019]
Role: Project Manager (internal)

Food production and trade

Customer: Münchner Suppenküche Handels GmbH & Co. KG, Munich (GER)
Project assignment: Concept development for the expansion of production to a further location [2021]
Role: Project Manager
[in cooperation with HCN Consulting & BD GmbH, Vienna]

Customer: Food trading company, Vienna (AUT)
Project assignment: Creation of specifications for the redesign of the web shop including merchandise management system [2021]
Role: Project Manager
[in cooperation with HCN Consulting & BD GmbH, Vienna]

Waste management and recycling

Customer: Veolia Umweltservice GmbH, Hamburg (GER)
Project assignment: Planning and implementation of a CRM system based on CRM [2015]
Roles: Project Manager and Consultant

Customer: International waste management company, Krems (AUT)
Project assignment: Planning and implementation of software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) for bandwidth optimisation for the central data centre and all operating locations, including an integrated action plan for improving cyber security [2018-2019]
Role: Project Manager (internal)

Customer: International waste management company, Krems (AUT)
Project assignment: Proof-of-concept digitalisation „IOT Smart Wastebin“ and „Container-/Vehicle Tracking“ [2019]
Role: Project Manager (internal)

Public sector

Customer: Republic of Austria, Federal Ministry for Environment Protection (AUT)
Programme assignment: Design, development and maintenance of software applications within the framework of Electronic Data Management Environment (EDM) for waste and water management [2011-2016]
Role: Programme Manager

Customer: Municipality of Mautern an der Donau (AT)
Project assignment: Relaunch website based on Typo3 and renewal of the municipality's corporate design (development of a new logo, CI specifications and printed materials) in cooperation with an external agency [2016]
Role: Project Manager

Other industries

  • Construction
  • Utilities (Energy supplier electricity and gas)
  • Chemical and metal processing industry
  • Trade and wholesale
  • Media (Print)

Martin Chroust

Ich kenne Karl Reder aus unserer langjährigen gemeinsamen Zeit bei Sensix und habe ihn als umsichtigen, strukturierten, korrekten und fairen Projektmanager und Vorgesetzten kennen und schätzen gelernt.

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Johannes Seitner

Ich habe Karl Reder als überaus strukturierten und wertschätzenden Kollegen kennen und schätzen gelernt. Neben seiner herausfordernden Linientätigkeit als IT Leiter, hat er sich stets aktiv mit seinem gesamten Know How in die Projektlandschaft eingebracht. Durch sein tatkräftiges Engagement konnten viele wichtige Innovationen umgesetzt werden. Für mich jedoch ist einer ist seiner größten Begabungen, komplexe Problemstellungen in eine einfache und bildliche Form zu transferieren und somit erreicht man schnellere Lösungsansätze.

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Alexander Picolin

I got to know Karl in his role as Stream Lead/Product Owner during a very large, extremely complex transformation project for an international telecommunications company. Karl is a results-oriented, highly motivated and motivating manager focused on teamwork, who understands how to clearly formulate even the most complex issues, problems and solutions analytically and communicate them at all project and company levels.
I appreciated his open, straightforward manner and his ability to always see a productive way forward - no matter how difficult the situation the project was in. Karl is - and I am sure of this - an invaluable asset to any project he is involved in. Working with Karl has been fun, inspiring and enjoyable and I wish I had the opportunity to work with him again.

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